What is SevenStar WBS?
SevenStar is a web-based software for enterprise project- and portfolio management. It is a rich in functionality to support project-oriented organisations following standards of the IPMA (International Project Management Organisation).
One of the features is a fully editable WBS (work breakdown structure) to show the structure of a project. One of the big advantages of a WBS is to give a very good top-level overview on the status of a project.
Something missing in Jira – that is why we added the SevenStar WBS app to the Atlassian Marketplace.
How to show the work breadown structure (WBS) for a Jira project?
As soon as you select SevenStar WBS from the Atlassian Marketplace you can use it from the submenu below the boards, issue lists, etc.
It is automatically working for the currently selected project, just like the board and other views. The project is shown in SevenStar WBS on top as the root-element and all corresponding epics will be shown in the first row. All tickets without an epic are shown as a special epic called “NA”.
Below the epics are all the tickets linked with each epic sorted by their keys. Tickets with sub-tickets are shown in grey, other tickets in blue.
Which tickets are shown in SevenStar WBS?
Which tickets to show is defined in the settings by the filters selected. You can select any existing Jira-filter you want – just be aware that some might result in showing no tickets at all.
The filter for the top-level element replaces the current project from the top by the filter selected. The filter results are shown in the first row. Here you can also span several Jira projets in one view.
The second filter defines all elements to be shown in the WBS chart except for the top-level element. Thus, it could reduce also the elements in the first row.
For showing a certain selection or combination of tickets you might have to define a new filter in Jira.
How to specify the status that should be shown in SevenStar WBS?
SevenStar WBS can show the progress in [%] and the status as not started, started or done. This status is shown by either having one diagonal line crossing the ticket (started) or two crossed diagonal lines (done). Consequently, not-started is represented without any lines.
The settings allow you to translate the status of a Jira-ticket in progress and status for SevenStar WBS. You can assign a percentage of progress to each Jira status. This will result in showing the percentage in SevenStar WBS and drawing diagonal lines. If you leave the fields for progress empty, then the tickets are shown without percentage and diagonal lines.
How to give feedback or ask questions about SevenStar WBS?
Best to do it right here and right now:
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